Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My first blogger.com post

this is my first blog post on this site. i have another blog on another space but sometimes you just want to be a little more anonymous. so here it is.

i want to let you know what youre in for before we even consumate this relationship. first, i am not usually very politically vocal or controversial or hip, i dont try to be. second, i dont punctuate or use capital letters correctly. its not that i dont know how, its that i choose not to. so when it says "ill" more than likely it means i'll. i use periods, commas and question and exclamation marks correctly but dont get offended if i dont capitalize your name. third, my thoughts are always random and are usually written in the same way i speak. sometimes this is hard to follow sometimes its not. i ramble. live with it.

it is my hopes that i get a few regular readers out of this who will at least get a small chuckle out of it, maybe not an outside chuckle but if i can make you chuckle on the inside my job here is done.

so that is all i shall write for now. but dont get too comfortable with my silence. it wont last long.